Babylon 5 Images

These photos were taken at the Landing Party (London, UK, 17th February 1996) and afterwards, Wolf 359 (Blackpool, UK, 7-10 June 1996), Babcom '96 (London, UK, 22-23rd June 1996), Wolf 359: The Security Party (London, UK, 28 September 1996) and Wolf 359: The Mindscan (London, UK, 10 November 1996).

This list does not include thumbnail GIFs, and is sorted by actor. If you would rather see a list with thumbnail GIFs, or a list sorted by convention with or without thumbnail GIFs, choose the appropriate link.

The links from the text point to larger, JPEG versions of the images. These range in size from 50K to 130K, with the vast majority being in the 70 - 100K range.

All of these photos are copyrighted - here's the relevant information.

Each actor's name links to a list of images that show that actor. This means that there may be some duplication of group shots.

OK, JMS isn't an actor...

  1. Richard Biggs
  2. Bruce Boxleitner
  3. Julie Caitlin Brown
  4. Jason Carter
  5. Claudia Christian
  6. Jerry Doyle
  7. Mira Furlan
  8. Stephen Furst
  9. Peter Jurasik
  10. Andreas Katsulas
  11. Bill Mumy
  12. Michael O'Hare
  13. J. Michael Straczynski
  14. Patricia Tallman
  15. Andrea Thompson
  16. Ed Wasser

Richard Biggs

biggs1.jpg: Richard Biggs
biggs2.jpg: Richard Biggs (again)
biggs3.jpg: Richard Biggs (er, not much to differentiate these three :))
biggscar.jpg: Richard Biggs and Jason Carter share a relaxing moment on the Babcom couch.
biggscc.jpg: "It's not good for you, you know, Claudia."
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom
three.jpg: Two Aliens and a Junkie :)

Bruce Boxleitner

Sorry, no photos of Bruce on his own
group2.jpg: Andreas Katsulas, Bill Mumy, Bruce Boxleitner and Stephen Furst taking questions from the audience. (JMS is out of shot to the right.)
clap2.jpg: The closing ceremony at Wolf 359; what the stars thought of the audience.

Julie Caitlin Brown

jcbrown2.jpg: Julie Caitlin Brown
jcbrown3.jpg: Julie with her guitar.

Jason Carter

biggscar.jpg: Richard Biggs and Jason Carter share a relaxing moment on the Babcom couch.
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom
jason.jpg: Jason Carter: Babcom signing session

Claudia Christian

biggscc.jpg: "It's not good for you, you know, Claudia."
cc.jpg: Claudia Christian; Babcom signing session
cc2.jpg: "More men sending me their underwear?"
cc3.jpg: Ivanova may be God, but she can still pull funny faces.
cc4.jpg: This one's not quite as good as the rest, but I was feeling completist :)
ccmira.jpg: Claudia and Mira discuss ... who knows.
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom

Jerry Doyle

doyle.jpg: "So then this guy comes up to me and says, 'Hey, did anyone ever tell you that you look just like Bruce Willis?'"
doyletho.jpg: The happy couple.

Mira Furlan

ccmira.jpg: Claudia and Mira discuss ... who knows.
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom
mira.jpg: Mira Furlan tries to remember how to write in Minbari
mira2.jpg: Mira during her talk
three.jpg: Two Aliens and a Junkie :)

Stephen Furst

mumyfurs.jpg: Bill Mumy and Stephen Furst: Vir and Lennier getting friendly ...
furst.jpg: Stephen Furst, autograph session
group2.jpg: Andreas Katsulas, Bill Mumy, Bruce Boxleitner and Stephen Furst taking questions from the audience. (JMS is out of shot to the right.)
clap2.jpg: The closing ceremony at Wolf 359; what the stars thought of the audience.

Peter Jurasik

Sorry, no individual ones of Peter
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom

Andreas Katsulas

andreas2.jpg: Andreas Katsulas at the UK Babylon 5 Fan Club meeting held during Wolf
group2.jpg: Andreas Katsulas, Bill Mumy, Bruce Boxleitner and Stephen Furst taking questions from the audience. (JMS is out of shot to the right.)
clap2.jpg: The closing ceremony at Wolf 359; what the stars thought of the audience.
andreas.jpg: Andreas Katsulas sings.
three.jpg: Two Aliens and a Junkie :)

Bill Mumy

mumyfurs.jpg: Bill Mumy and Stephen Furst: Vir and Lennier getting friendly ...
group2.jpg: Andreas Katsulas, Bill Mumy, Bruce Boxleitner and Stephen Furst taking questions from the audience. (JMS is out of shot to the right.)
clap2.jpg: The closing ceremony at Wolf 359; what the stars thought of the audience.

Michael O'Hare

mohare1.jpg: Michael having trouble with his microphone
mohare2.jpg: Michael in "hunted-rabbit" pose.

J. Michael Straczynski

jms1.jpg: The Great Maker, between interviews in the lobby at Blackpool.
jms2.jpg: JMS answering questions in the lobby.
clap2.jpg: The closing ceremony at Wolf 359; what the stars thought of the audience.

Patricia Tallman

pat1.jpg: Pat Tallman signing autographs
pat2.jpg: "Of course, his real name isn't Kosh, it's Snow White ..."
pat3.jpg: "Oh no it isn't ... oh yes it is!"
pat4.jpg: Pat stands to attention
pat5.jpg: "Who, me, a rogue telepath? You must be mistaken."

Andrea Thompson

andrea.jpg: Andrea Thompson at just the wrong moment :)
doyletho.jpg: The happy couple.
group.jpg: Group shot from Babcom

Ed Wasser

wasser1.jpg: Ed Wasser at the Landing Party signing session.
wasser2.jpg: Ed Wasser on stage at the Landing Party.
wasser3.jpg: Ed Wasser on stage again

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