Babylon 5 Archive - Boring Copyright Stuff

All of the images in this archive are copyright Melanie and Graham Harper, 1996. Permission is granted for their viewing over the World Wide Web, and for links to be made to them; permission is not granted for copies of them to be placed on other sites, or for copies to be placed on other media including, but not limited to, CD-ROM archives.

All of the text (including the Web pages themselves) in this archive is copyright Melanie Dymond Harper, 1996. Permission is granted for its viewing over the World Wide Web, and for links to be made to it; permission is not granted for copies of it to be placed on other sites, or for copies to be placed on other media including, but not limited to, CD-ROM archives.

If you have a question about this policy, please mail me, If you do not agree with this policy, then don't look at the archive. Simple, no?

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